Sunday, 5 January 2014

Top 10 Highest Scoring Scrabble Words

Though unlikely, if you could manage to score any one of these scrabble words in a game.  You'll most likely win the game in a landslide.  Good to know just in case.

Caziques Mezquits Muzjiks Oxazepam Quartzy
Quetzals Queazy Quixotry Quizzify Zaxes

Consonant Only Words

We cant always have great tiles, in those moments when we have no vowels there are a few options. The following words do not contain A, E, I, O, U, or Y

Brr Brrr Crwth Crwths Cwm Cwms Cwtch Hm Hmm Mm Nth Pfft Phpht Pht Psst Pst Sh Shh Tsk Tsks Tsktsk Tsktsks Zzz Zzzs

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Top 10 Four Letter Words

Focusing your efforts on memorizing three and four letter words can be advantageous considering how much more difficult it can be retaining longer words.  Here are 10 very useful four letter words to help you increase your scrabble scores.

Cwms Fyke Hymn Kaph Lynx Pixy Qoph Quiz Whiz Zyme

Valuable 3 Letter Words

High Scoring 3 Letter Words

Take note of these high scoring 3 letter words and commit as many as you can to memory and watch your scrabble scores soar.

Adz Axe Azo Biz Box Cox Coz Dex Fax Fez Fix Fiz Fox Gox Haj Hex Jab Jag Jam Jar Jaw Jay Jee Jet Jeu Jew Jib Jig Jin Job Joe Jog Jot Jow Joy Jug Jun Jus Jut Kex  Lax Lex Lox Lux Max Mix Nix Oxo Oxy Pax Pix Pox Pyx Qat Qis Qua Raj Rax Rex Sax Sex Six Sox Suq Taj Tax Tux Vex Vox Wax Wiz Xis Zag Zap Zax  Zed Zee Zek Zig Zin Zip Zit Zoa Zoo

Friday, 3 January 2014

Words Starting With The Letter Z

8 Letter words starting with Z

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Q Words Without U

When playing a game of scrabble, is anything more frustrating then having a Q but you cannot make a word with it, due to not having a U?  Learning most or all of the 35 Q without U words is a quick way to boost your scrabble scores and avoid that scenario.

Qi Qat Qis Qadi Qaid Qats Qoph Faqir Qadis Qaids Qanat Qophs Tranq Umiaq Faqirs Qabala Qanats Qindar Qintar Qiviut Qwerty Sheqel Tranqs Umiaqs Qabalah Qabalas Qindars Qintars Qiviuts Qwertys Qabalahs Mbaqanga Qindarka Sheqalim Mbaqangas

Words Starting With The Letter J

8 Letter words starting with J

7 Letter words starting with J


Words Starting With The Letter X

8 Letter words starting with X

Xanthans Xanthate Xanthein Xanthene Xanthine Xanthins Xanthoma

5 Tips On How To Improve Your Scrabble Scores

1.  Create Multiple Words

Every turn you should be looking for opportunities to create multiple words.  Why make one word when you can make two or more.  Often two or more 2 or 3 letter words will outscore a 5 or 6 letter word.  You may think you sound smarter by placing a 6 letter word down but this is a classic rookie mistake!  Go for maximum points not the "best word".  This leads to a higher score and winning more games. Of course the exception to this rule is if you can place all 7 tiles down to create a 7 or 8 letter word, that gives you a 50 point bonus known as a BINGO and makes you look smart.

2.  Use Premium Squares Twice

Using a premium square like double/triple word score or double/triple letter score twice in one turn can really sky rocket your scrabble scores.  You can accomplish this by creating two words intersected by the premium square.

3.  Master 2 Letter Words

If there's any single set of words worth committing to memory its 2 letter words.  The secret of creating multiple words is by first mastering 2 letter words.  Often when attempting to create multiple words you'll end up with a lot of 2 letter words, knowing which are valid can be a huge boost to your scrabble scores.  Learn all valid 2 letter words HERE.

4.  Focus Your Effort

We obviously cant memorize every valid scrabble word in the dictionary so focus your effort on what will drive your scores up the most.  As was mentioned in the third tip, 2 letter words are worth memorizing. Other groups of scrabble words worth learning are words containing the highest value scrabble letters Q, Z, J, and X.

5. Organize Your Tile Rack

Look for common word beginnings and place them at the beginning of your rack, like IN, UN, DE, RE, OUT, CHA, PRE, PRO, CON.  And look for common word endings and place them at the end of your rack, like ED, ES, ST, IER, EST, ERS, IES, ING.  This can help you see words more easily, which will translate into higher scores and winning more games.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2 Letter Words

One of the quickest ways to boost your scrabble score is to familiarize yourself with 2 letter words. 

2 letter words


aa ab ad ae ag ah ai al am an ar as at aw ax ay ba be bi bo by de do ed
ef eh el em en er es et ex fa fe go ha he hi hm ho id if in is it ja jo ka ki 
la li lo ma me mi mm mo mu my na ne no nu od oe of oh oi om on op
or os ow ox oy pa pe pi qi re sh si so ta ti to uh um un up us ut we wo
xi xu ya ye yo za

Words Starting With The Letter Q

8 Letter words starting with Q

Qabalahs Qindarka Quaalude Quackery Quackier Quacking Quackish
Qabalah Qabalas Qindars Qintars Qiviuts Quacked Quadded Quadrat